Spring 2021 update: Please note that due to international travel restrictions, scholarships may not be immediately available for  offshore applicants interested in Masters or PhD research.  You are still welcome to contact Shaneel to discuss options.

Summary of research supervision

Sameer Khan

Sameer Khan is a school teacher and also working on Calophyllum inophyllum (Beauty leaf tree or dilo) oil as potential feedstock for biodiesel production for the transport sector in Fiji.

His work involves characterization of  Calophyllum inophyllum (dilo) trees from various locations in Fiji  based on fruit yield, location , tree characteristics and soil conditions, optimizing oil to biodiesel conversion and evaluate engine performance and eventually explore economic feasibility of using dilo oil as a feedstock for producing biodiesel in Fiji.



Fiona Tan

Fiona Tan is working on smart, in-situ sensors for monitoring dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) species in aquatic systems.  Her study will focus on the proposal of a total electrochemical DIN sensor to monitor fertilizer runoff in local waterways entering environmentally sensitive areas, specifically the Great Barrier Reef.  Fiona joins our team fresh from a stint as a laboratory team leader from NSW and is enjoying her sea change into sunny QLD.

Here are the links to Fiona’s latest media interviews:

Channel 7 (4 February 2022)